Budget Boosts Health and Aged Care Funding

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF)

The largest union in the country, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) welcomes the Albanese Government's $8.5 billion in the Budget for health, including $2.8 billion to strengthen Medicare and $2.2 billion for aged care to continue implementation of the Royal Commission's recommendations.

The ANMF applauds new Medicare rebates for midwives to provide longer consultations before and after child birth; additional bulk-billed, urgent care clinics; higher Medicare rebates for women to see a gynaecologist for endometriosis and access to longer consultations; expanded, free mental health services; new PBS listings for invasive breast cancer and heart disease and bowel cancer screening and increased Commonwealth contributions to the cost of care under the National Health Reform Agreement.

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