Businesses urged to get involved in major A303 Stonehenge upgrade

The transformational A303 Stonehenge (Amesbury to Berwick Down) scheme was last month given the green light by the Secretary of State for Transport, and as well as the wider economic benefits, the project could be just the job in terms of providing opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises locally, regionally and further afield.

According to an independent economic assessment commissioned by local authorities and the Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership, and validated by the Department for Transport, improving the A303 corridor will help to create 21,000 jobs and deliver a £39 billion boost in the long term.

And Highways England is today (9 December) outlining details of how small and medium-sized businesses can get involved in the A303 Stonehenge scheme at Business West's virtual Swindon & Wiltshire Business and Economy Meeting.

David Bullock, Highways England Project Manager for the A303 Stonehenge scheme, said:

The scheme has numerous benefits, not only in improving journey reliability and enhancing the World Heritage Site landscape, but also in unlocking economic growth in the South West.

The scheme is not just limited to larger, national and international companies, and we're keen for local and regional businesses to get the chance to work with the project.

With our archaeology specialists and preliminary works contractors expected to start on site in late spring next year, there's going to be some opportunities with those companies within the next six months or so. But there will be greater potential when our main contractor is appointed later in 2021, and we'd urge businesses to

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