Darling Downs South West schools to support careers of tomorrow

Minister for Education, Minister for Industrial Relations and Minister for Racing The Honourable Grace Grace

Eleven Darling Downs South West region schools have secured funding for programs that will help their students better prepare for life beyond school.

Education Minister Grace Grace congratulated the schools, who applied for the grant together as the Roma Centre for Learning and Wellbeing (CLAW) cluster, who made a successful application to the Careers Capability Development Grants Program.

"It's so important that we prepare our school students for the workplaces of the future," Ms Grace said.

"We want to make sure young Queenslanders are as prepared as they can possibly be for the good jobs on offer in our state before they have even finished school.

"I'm happy to announce the schools that will be using these grants to help implement career education projects for students.

"Eligible state schools, either stand-alone or with a cluster of other schools, were able to apply for grants of up to $25,000 to build on quality career strategies, practices and approaches.

"Schools from Far North Queensland to the Gold Coast have shared in a total of $250,000 as part of the program.

"The aim of the program is for schools to share their learnings, successes, and challenges, and develop practices that promote innovation in career education.

"This important initiative will support the new Prep to Year 12 Pathways to a successful future strategy for preparing state school students for life beyond school and the workplaces of the future.

"We are committed to supporting every student in that important transition between school and future training, learning and careers."

The Roma CLAW cluster includes Dirranbandi State School, St George State High School, Charleville State High School, Quilpie State College, Cunnamulla State School, Goondiwindi State High School, Roma State College, Mitchell State School, Surat State School, Injune State School and Wallumbilla State School.

The cluster was successful in gaining a grant that will be used for pathway and capability development in career education for rural and remote P-12 state schools.

Lead Principal of the Roma CLAW, Kylie Todhunter, welcomed the announcement.

"The grant will provide our rural and remote students with increased opportunity to engage in career education and development practices, inspiring and guiding our students on sustainable, rewarding and secure pathways," Ms Todhunter said.

"It will give us the ability to develop localised Whole School Career Education Programs responsive to social and cultural needs, empower our young people, develop their knowledge of pathways, suited to their individual abilities and interests, while exploring a range of careers, life roles, occupations, and opportunities responsive to changing demands of the future labour force."

The full list of grant recipients below:

  • Bribie Island State High School
  • Brisbane cluster:
    • Coorparoo Secondary College
    • Kelvin Grove State College
    • Mansfield State High School
    • Macgregor State High School
    • Indooroopilly State High School
  • Currumbin Community Special School
  • Far North cluster:
    • Smithfield State High School
    • Redlynch State College
  • Ferny Grove State High School
  • Kepnock State High School
  • Marsden State High School
  • Merrimac State High School
  • Roma CLAW cluster:
    • Dirranbandi State School
    • St. George State High School
    • Charleville State High School
    • Quilpie State College
    • Cunnamulla State School
    • Goondiwindi State High School
    • Roma State College
    • Mitchell State School
    • Surat State School
    • Injune State School
    • Wallumbilla State School
  • Woodcrest State College
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