Five Youths Arrested In Stolen Cars

Five youths were arrested and two stolen cars were recovered at Marion overnight.

Just before 1am this morning a patrol saw two stolen vehicles in Glenelg and PolAir was tasked to the area.

PolAir was able to track the vehicles, a silver Jeep Grand Cherokee and a red Audi sedan safely from above.

PolAir followed the vehicles to George Street at Marion where a number of people were seen to run from the vehicles.

Patrols quickly established cordons and dog operations and police dog Duke were brought in to assist.

Five boys, two aged 13 and three aged 15, were located and arrested for illegal use. Police bail has been refused for all suspects. They are expected to appear before the Adelaide Youth Court on Monday.

Police have now established that shortly before they started tracking the vehicles the Audi was involved in a collision with a camper trailer in a unit complex car park in Richardson Avenue, Glenelg North. When an occupant went out to investigate, she was struck by the fleeing vehicle as it left the car park.

The 41-year-old woman was taken to hospital by ambulance. Her injuries are not life-threatening.

The Jeep was stolen from Port Augusta in the early hours of Thursday morning (9 May) and the Audi was stolen during a break-in at Sturt on Friday night (10 May.)

Investigations are continuing and additional charges are expected to be laid.

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