Guterres Deplores Rafah Escalation

The United Nations

UN Secretary-General António Guteres is appalled by the escalation of Israeli military activity in and around Rafah in southern Gaza, his spokesperson said in a statement on Tuesday.

"These developments are further impeding humanitarian access and worsening an already dire situation. At the same time, Hamas goes on firing rockets indiscriminately," the statement said.

Stressing that civilians must be respected and protected at all times, Mr. Guterres added that "for people in Gaza, nowhere is safe now.

The Secretary-General reiterated his longstanding urgent appeal for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and for the release of all hostages.

He also called for the Rafah crossing to be re-opened immediately and for unimpeded humanitarian access throughout Gaza.

UN Palestine refugee UNRWA said on Tuesday that large parts of Rafah have become "a ghost town". Some 450,000 people have fled the area over the past week, and are seeking shelter where they can, including in rubble and sand dunes.

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