ICAC Probes Canterbury-Bankstown Council in Public Inquiry


The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) will hold a public inquiry starting on Monday 3 June 2024 as part of an investigation it is conducting into allegations concerning former Canterbury-Bankstown Council ("council") employee Benjamin Webb, former council contractor Pietro Cossu and others (Operation Mantis).

The Commission is investigating whether, between May 2020 and December 2022, Mr Cossu and/or Mr Webb partially or dishonestly exercised their official functions by using, and/or attempting to use, PMLV Invest & Const Pty Ltd ("PMLV") to undertake recruitment subcontractor services through council recruitment contractors in circumstances where Mr Cossu, and/or Mr Webb, failed to disclose their pecuniary interest in PMLV, and/or pecuniary benefits that they anticipated receiving in connection with the use of PMLV.

The Commission is also examining whether, between July 2020 and December 2022, Mr Cossu and/or Mr Webb partially or dishonestly exercised their official functions to favour General Works & Construction Pty Ltd ("GWAC"), by attempting to influence the award of council contract/s to GWAC, and/or using, or attempting to use, PMLV to subcontract GWAC council contracts to benefit themselves and/or others.

The general scope and purpose of this public inquiry is to gather evidence relevant to the allegations being investigated for the purpose of determining the matters referred to in section 13(2) of the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988.

Commissioner the Hon Helen Murrell SC will preside at the public inquiry, and Counsel Assisting the Commission will be Ms Georgia Huxley of Counsel.

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