Major Study: HPV Vaccine Curtails Cervical Cancer in Poorer Groups

Cancer Research UK




The human papillomavirus, or HPV, vaccine is cutting cases of cervical cancer right across the socio-economic spectrum, with most cases being prevented in more deprived groups, according to a major study funded by Cancer Research UK.

Until now, there had been concerns that the HPV vaccine could have an unequal impact across society. After carrying out the longest follow-up on the effectiveness of the HPV vaccine, researchers at Queen Mary University of London concluded the HPV vaccination programme in England is helping to close some inequalities in cervical cancer. *

Due to a typically higher incidence of cervical cancer in more deprived groups, researchers found that more cases were prevented in the most deprived group (around 190), compared to the least deprived group (around 60). **

Published in the BMJ medical journal, the data reflected the huge success of the school-based vaccination programme, showing that well-executed public health interventions can help to reduce health inequalities.

Today's news adds even more weight to evidence that HPV vaccination works. Researchers found that over a 12-year period, the vaccine reduced cervical cancer incidence rates by nearly 90% and pre-cancerous conditions by around 95% in women who were offered routine vaccination at 12-13 years old in England. The study shows that the vaccine is much more effective when taken up by people in year 8 (aged 12-13) than later in life.

Although the life-saving HPV vaccine currently reaches people from all backgrounds, Cancer Research UK warns that some inequalities remain in cervical cancer incidence, and more work is needed to improve the health of the most deprived groups. Uptake of the HPV vaccine in the UK has also fallen in recent years.

Overall, cervical cancer rates are higher in people from deprived backgrounds across the UK. Researchers said this is partly due to people being at greater risk from HPV and barriers that can drive lower screening attendance.

Professor Peter Sasieni, lead author from Queen Mary University of London, said:

"Our research highlights the power of HPV vaccination to benefit people across all social groups.

"Historically, cervical cancer has had greater health inequalities than almost any other cancer and there was concern that HPV vaccination may not reach those at greatest risk. Instead, this study captures the huge success of the school-based vaccination programme in helping to close these gaps and reach people from even the most deprived communities.

"In the UK, the elimination of cervical cancer as a public health problem in our lifetime is possible with continued action to improve access to vaccination and screening for all."

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