NASA Awards Three Storytellers for Narrating US Space Saga

Through decades of hard work, three storytellers brought out of this world news down to Earth, providing a lens through which young and old could watch space exploration unfold. This week, NASA recognized the contributions of these Chroniclers during a May 15, 2024, ceremony at the agency's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

NASA Kennedy Space Center's Associate Director of Management Burt Summerfield was at the spaceport's Press Site for the unveiling of three brass plates bearing the names of the 2024 honorees - Dan Billow, Michael R. Brown, and Margaret (Maggie) Persinger.

Dan Billow, Mike Brown, and Maggie Persinger were honored May 15, 2024, during the 2024 Kennedy Chroniclers ceremony at the Press Site at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Three brass plates bearing their names were added to the wall of the "bull pen," where reporters traditionally gather to cover launches and events at NASA Kennedy. The three were honored for their efforts in helping tell the story of America's space program, primarily from the Florida spaceport. They were nominated by their peers and selected by a panel of NASA officials and current space reporters.
Photo credit: NASA/Glenn Benson
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