New Vehicle Efficiency Law Applauded by Electric Vehicle Council

Electric Vehicle Council

The Electric Vehicle Council has congratulated the Australian Parliament for passing New Vehicle Efficiency Standards into law today.

EVC chief executive Behyad Jafari said the landmark decision represented a significant leap forward for Australia in its commitment to a cleaner, more sustainable future.

"This is a historic day. After multiple attempts by different governments, Australia today finally joins the rest of the world," said Electric Vehicle Council chief executive Behyad Jafari.

"For many years now, we've campaigned for Australia to join the US and Europe by introducing vehicle efficiency standards so car makers are incentivised to offer their best and most affordable electric options to Australians.

"The passing of these new standards is a testament to the Albanese Government's commitment to progressive and ambitious policies that will help Australia become a leader in the global transition to electric vehicles. This move sends a clear signal to the global automotive industry: Australia now demands the same options in electric cars, vans, and utes that you offer to the US and Europe.

"Australian drivers will benefit from access to a greater choice of vehicles, lower fuel bills, and real cuts to transport emissions. Most Australian drivers are now interested in considering electric options and more choice will naturally drive greater take-up of EVs. Ultimately, these standards will mean all Australian consumers are paying lower fuel bills, breathing cleaner air, and enjoying a greater choice of the latest and greatest in new cars.

"Thanks to these standards, Australia will no longer be considered the global dumping ground for the world's most inefficient vehicles. Importantly, these standards are robust and transparent, giving us a solid foundation from which to build in future years."

Mr Jafari acknowledged the vital contributions of EVC members to the new laws today.

"I'm proud of the influential and constructive role EVC members have played in delivering today's result. Their dedication and advocacy have been instrumental in achieving this milestone," Mr Jafari said.

"I congratulate the federal government for having the mettle to take this step forward after several of their predecessors promised but failed to introduce this important reform in the national interest."

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