Police Investigate Rowville Abduction

Knox Crime Investigation Unit detectives are investigating an incident where a mother and her infant child were abducted from a shopping centre in Rowville last week.

Investigators have been told the woman was exiting her silver Suzuki S Cross after parking at the Stud Park Shopping Centre supermarket car park about 6pm on the 10th of May.

At this time, she was approached by a male who threatened her with and knife and forced her back into the driver's seat of her vehicle.

The male then got into the back seat with her child before forcing her to drive to electrical stores on South Gippsland Highway, Cranbourne and Frankston Dandenong Road, Dandenong where he demanded her to purchase Apple MacBooks at several stores.

While she did, he remained seated in the car with her child.

The offender then drove from the Dandenong store, while victim was forced to remain in the back seat with her child, to Robert Booth Reserve, Dandenong where he exited the car and fled north along the Dandenong Creek path carrying four MacBooks just after 8pm.

The woman and her child were not physically injured during the incident.

The man is perceived to be Asian in appearance and aged between 20 and 35 years of age.

He was wearing a grey coloured hoodie, with the hood over his head, a green fluro vest over the top of the hoodie and black/grey pants with black running shoes.

He was last seen carrying a shopping bag containing two Apple MacBook Pro computers in their boxes and two further boxed Apple MacBook computers under his left arm.

Detectives have released images and CCTV of a man they believe may be able to assist with their enquiries.

Anyone who witnessed the incident, or with any other information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or submit a confidential report online at www.crimestoppersvic.com.au

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