Rare Olley Acquisition Exhibited Publicly After Decades

Tweed Shire Council


Photo 1: Unveiling new Olley: Still life with pink paper and plums

Caption: Susi Muddiman OAM, Philip Bacon AO and Ingrid Hedgcock at the unveiling of the new Margaret Olley painting Still life with pink paper and plums 1948, generously gifted to the Tweed Regional Gallery by the Margaret Olley Art Trust in February 2024.

Photo 2: Still life with pink paper and plums

Caption: Margaret Olley (1923 – 2011), Still life with pink paper and plums 1948

oil on canvas. Gift of the Margaret Olley Art Trust in recognition of the service of Susi Muddiman OAM as Gallery Director, 2007-2023. Tweed Regional Gallery collection

© Margaret Olley Art Trust

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