Honorary Doctorate Bestowed on Sustainability Leader Entrecanales


RMIT Council has recognised the Spanish businessman's contributions to sustainability and innovation across the clean energy and regenerative infrastructure sectors with the award of an Honorary Doctorate of Business honoris causa.

Entrecanales is the Chairman and CEO of ACCIONA, a global business headquartered in Spain with a significant Australian business, that is focused on sustainable solutions for climate change mitigation, adaptation, resilience and the decarbonisation of the economy.

Originally a construction company, ACCIONA - under Entrecanales' leadership - has transformed to become a global leader in infrastructure and renewable energy with sustainability as its hallmark.

The company has since expanded to more than 40 countries and focuses on contributing to economic and social development while significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The company has been present in Australia since 2002. In 2009, ACCIONA Energía energised operations on the Waubra Wind Farm in Victoria (192MW), at the time the largest wind farm in the southern hemisphere.

ACCIONA is a leader in the development of transport infrastructure including a significant component of Victoria's Level Crossing Removal project, which is improving safety and reducing congestion, and the M80 Ring Road Completion that will seamlessly connect people across Victoria.

As part of a national portfolio, they are also delivering stage two of the Western Harbour Tunnel in Sydney, introducing design changes that will reduce construction impacts on the community and the environment.

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