Lawyer Charged for Leaking Sexual Assault Complainant Info

Criminal Groups Squad detectives have charged a solicitor for allegedly publishing details of a sexual assault complainant.

Just before 9am today (Tuesday 14 May 2024), officers attached to State Crime Command's Criminal Groups Squad arrested a 31-year-old man at Granville Police Station.

The man was charged with publish details of complainant in prescribed sexual offence and granted conditional bail to appear in Parramatta Local Court on Tuesday 11 June 2024.

Police will allege in court the solicitor is a close associate of a high-profile organised crime family from Sydney's south-west.

Police will further allege the solicitor – when representing a 24-year-old man charged with sexual assault – shared sensitive information about the case with an unrelated third party.

That information included the identity of the sexual assault complainant.

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