Police Charge Two After Ringwood Shooting

Detectives from the Armed Crime Squad have this afternoon charged two people following a non-fatal shooting in Ringwood last month.

With assistance from the Special Operations Group, a man and a woman were arrested in Moorabbin this afternoon.

A 31-year-old Moorabbin man was charged with intentionally cause serious injury, reckless conduct endangering life and prohibited person use firearm.

He will face Melbourne Magistrates' Court this evening.

A 24-year-old Moorabbin woman was charged with possess drug of dependence and has been bailed to face Moorabbin Magistrates' Court on 15 August.

The charges follow an incident where emergency services were called to a Maidstone Street residence about 3.10am on Friday, 12 April following reports a man had been shot.

It will be alleged that two people entered the property and a firearm was discharged before they fled the scene in a waiting vehicle.

A 27-year-old man was taken to hospital to be treated for non-life-threatening injuries.

Another man home at the time was not physically injured during the incident.

Police believe the parties involved were known to each other.

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