QPS Honours LGBTQIA+ Community For IDAHOBIT Day

The Queensland Police Service (QPS) has continued its journey ensuring policing services are accessible to all members of the community by raising the QPS Progress Pride flag and unveiling a commemorative plaque at Police Headquarters today for International Day Against LGBTQIA+ Discrimination (IDAHOBIT).

To commemorate this important day, the QPS held a ceremony to unveil the plaque, commemorating the Apology and Statement of Regret to LGBTIQ+ communities.

On January 20, 2023, former Commissioner Katarina Carroll, on behalf of QPS, issued an Apology and Statement of Regret to LGBTIQ+ Communities and current and former QPS LGBTIQ+ members for historical mistreatment.

Commissioner and James McCarthy unveiling the plaque
Commissioner and LQBTQIA+ practitioners holding the Progress Pride flag

Commissioner Steve Gollschewski reflected on the statement of regret and reaffirmed the QPS' commitment to working towards ensuring a safe, fair and inclusive policing response for all people, regardless of their sexuality, gender identity or sex characteristics.

"It is fitting we chose today, International Day Against LGBTQIA+ Discrimination, to commemorate the apology and statement of regret by unveiling a plaque," Commissioner Gollschewski said.

"This plaque will serve as a symbol of our acknowledgement of the past, ongoing commitment and hope for the future as we continue to ensure we have an inclusive policing organisation that provides quality service delivery to the LGBTIQ+ community."

The Commissioner also raised the QPS Progress Pride flag, which was developed in collaboration with the QPS Pride Network and was first raised at Police Headquarters on IDAHOBIT in 2016.

Commissioner and Senior Constable Marti Winkworth raising the flag
Commissioner, Stephanie Elwin, James McCarthy and Senior Constable Marti Winkworth with the plaque

The flag represents the diversity of the LGBTIQ+ community and now also recognises Trans and Gender Diverse people, First Nations and people of colour.

The QPS strives to create a place where all our people belong and feel safe, respected and supported.

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