Statement From Leonie Hiscutt

Leonie Hiscutt, Liberal Member for Montgomery

Leonie Hiscutt has announced she will not be recontesting the next election for the Legislative Council seat of Montgomery.

"It has been an honour to serve my electorate of Montgomery for the past 11 years, and while I will finish out this term, I will not be recontesting my seat at the next election," Ms Hiscutt said.

"I would like to thank the Liberal Party and Premier Jeremy Rockliff for their support during my time, as well as the people of Montgomery for trusting me to represent them.

"It has been a privilege to support the Liberal Government for more than a decade to deliver a strong economy, create jobs, and support regional Tasmania.

"My main focus over the next 12 months will be supporting the Premier to deliver on the 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future."

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