Stolen Vehicles And Caravans

Midland Detectives have charged several people as part of an ongoing investigation into the recent stealing of Toyota Landcruiser vehicles and caravans.
On Saturday 30 March 2024, a Jayco caravan was stolen from a caravan park in Caversham. At the time it was stolen it contained all the personal belongings of its owner, including items of sentimental value.
On Thursday 6 April 2024, a Toyota LandCruiser Troop Carrier was stolen from the Perth airport precinct. At the time it was stolen there were several items of personal property in the vehicle.
As part of the ongoing investigation, on Friday 12 April 2024 Midland Detectives executed a search warrant at a residence in Dalmilling Road, Ellenbrook, where items linked to the stolen Toyota LandCruiser were located. The following day, on Saturday 13 April 2024, two people linked to the Ellenbrook address – a 38-year-old man and a 38-year-old woman - were located in possession of the stolen Toyota LandCruiser and stolen Jayco caravan at a location in Miling.
The 38-year-old man has been charged with:
- Stealing (Caversham)
- Trespass (Caversham)
- Steal Motor Vehicle (Perth Airport precinct)
- Stealing (Perth Airport precinct)
- No Authority to Drive
- Possess a Prohibited Drug (Cannabis)
- Attempted to engage in a transaction that involved the proceeds of an offence (items inside the stolen Toyota Landcruiser)
He was refused bail and appeared in Perth Magistrates Court on Sunday 14 April 2024, and is next due to appear in the same court on Tuesday 28 May 2024.
The 38-year-old man has also been advised he is being charged in relation to the stealing of a Toyota LandCruiser utility from the Perth Airport precinct on Sunday 3 March 2024, the stealing of a Condor caravan from a property in Bullsbrook on Monday 18 March 2024, the stealing of a Toyota Landcruiser utility from a property in Moondyne on Saturday 9 March 2024 and other linked offences.
He will appear in court on those new charges at his next scheduled court appearance.
The 38-year-old woman has since been charged with 'Steal Motor Vehicle' and 'Possession of stolen or unlawfully obtained property' in relation to the Toyota LandCruiser and the caravan. She is due to appear in Midland Magistrates Court on Friday 17 May 2024.
A 35-year-old woman, who is linked to the Ellenbrook address, has since been charged with 'Receiving'. It will be alleged she entered into an agreement with the 38-year-old man to sell some of the items that were inside the Toyota LandCruiser at the time it was stolen. She is due to appear in Midland Magistrates Court on Tuesday 11 June 2024.
During the course of the investigation detectives identified the attempted sale of an excavator and trailer that matched the description of property that had been stolen from a property in Brigadoon in March 2024. Detectives attended a property in Brigadoon and recovered the stolen items. A 48-year-old man has been charged with 'Receiving' and appeared in Midland Magistrates court on Tuesday 14 May 2024 where he was fined $5,000 plus court costs.
The investigation is ongoing as detectives investigate the whereabouts of the remain outstanding stolen vehicles.
Anyone with information regarding these incidents is asked to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or report the information online at
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