Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B Releases Issue 5, Volume 14

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Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B (APSB) was founded with the goal of creating a global high-level forum centred around drug discovery and pharmaceutical research/application. APSB was included by Chemical Abstracts in 2011, accepted by PubMed Central in 2015, indexed by Science Citation Index in 2017 and has evolved to become one of the most important international journals in the field of pharmaceutical sciences.

APSB is a monthly journal, in English, which publishes significant original research articles, rapid communications and high-quality reviews of recent advances in all areas of pharmaceutical sciences — including pharmacology, pharmaceutics, medicinal chemistry, natural products, pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical analysis and pharmacokinetics.

Articles of interest in this issue include:

Other articles include:

Review Articles

Targeting RAF dimers in RAS mutant tumors: From biology to clinic

Huanhuan Yin, Qiulin Tang, Hongwei Xia, Feng Bi

Oligomerization of drug transporters: Forms, functions, and mechanisms

Chunxu Ni, Mei Hong

Bile acids and coronavirus disease 2019

Xiaoru Huang, Xuening Liu, Zijian Li

The inhibitory effect of adenosine on tumor adaptive immunity and intervention strategies

Longsheng Wang, Jie Zhang, Wenxin Zhang, Mingming Zheng, ... Ling Ding

Discovery of GluN2A subtype-selective N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor ligands

Liyang Jiang, Na Liu, Fabao Zhao, Boshi Huang, ... Xinyong Liu

Oral peptide therapeutics for diabetes treatment: State-of-the-art and future perspectives

Bingwen Ding, Zhu Zhu, Cong Guo, Jiaxin Li, ... Miaorong Yu

Original Articles

Exosomes derived from pulmonary metastatic sites enhance osteosarcoma lung metastasis by transferring the miR-194/215 cluster targeting MARCKS

Pei Yu, Yubao Han, Lulu Meng, Yanyuan Tian, ... Chao Zhang

The raphe nuclei are the early lesion site of gastric α-synuclein propagation to the substantia nigra

Chenglu Zhang, Ruxue Bo, Tiantian Zhou, Naihong Chen, Yuhe Yuan

Targeting PKM2 signaling cascade with salvianic acid A normalizes tumor blood vessels to facilitate chemotherapeutic drug delivery

Cheng Qian, Yueke Zhou, Teng Zhang, Guanglu Dong, ... Yang Zhao

DDAH1 promotes neurogenesis and neural repair in cerebral ischemia

Qiming Gao, Pinfei Ni, Yilin Wang, Peiyun Huo, ... Yuming Zhao

Transcription factor EHF interacting with coactivator AJUBA aggravates malignancy and acts as a therapeutic target for gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma

Li Peng, Yanyi Jiang, Hengxing Chen, Yongqiang Wang, ... Dong Yin

First total synthesis, antitumor evaluation and target identification of mornaphthoate E: A new tubulin inhibitor template acting on PI3K/Akt signaling pathway

Peipei Shan, Tao Ye, Ying-De Tang, Hui Song, ... Hua Zhang

Branched glycopolymer prodrug-derived nanoassembly combined with a STING agonist activates an immuno-supportive status to boost anti-PD-L1 antibody therapy

Zhilin Li, Qianfeng Zhang, Zhiqian Li, Long Ren, ... Kui Luo

Rhizoma Drynariae-derived nanovesicles reverse osteoporosis by potentiating osteogenic differentiation of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells via targeting ERα signaling

Qing Zhao, Junjie Feng, Fubin Liu, Qianxin Liang, ... Kewei Zhao

A combined nanotherapeutic approach targeting farnesoid X receptor, ferroptosis, and fibrosis for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis treatment

Jiangtao Fu, Pingping Zhang, Zhiguo Sun, Guodong Lu, ... Pei Wang

Radiation-based immunogenic vaccine combined with a macrophage "checkpoint inhibitor" for boosting innate and adaptive immunity against metastatic colon cancers

Hongbo Xu, Xianya Qin, Yuanyuan Guo, Siyu Zhao, ... Zhiping Zhang

A pH/ROS dual-responsive system for effective chemoimmunotherapy against melanoma via remodeling tumor immune microenvironment

Leilei Wang, Shanshan He, Rong Liu, Yuan Xue, ... Ling Zhang

Inhalable metal–organic framework-mediated cuproptosis combined with PD-L1 checkpoint blockade for lung metastasis synergistic immunotherapy

Chongzheng Yan, Ying Liu, Guozhi Zhao, Huatian Yang, ... Zhongxi Zhao

Metal natural product complex Ru-procyanidins with quadruple enzymatic activity combat infections from drug-resistant bacteria

Jie Shan, Xu Jin, Cong Zhang, Muchen Huang, ... Xianwen Wang

In situ autophagy regulation in synergy with phototherapy for breast cancer treatment

Huijuan Zhang, Xiangyang Xuan, Yaping Wang, Zijun Qi, ... Lin Hou

Molecular characterization and structure basis of a malonyltransferase with both substrate promiscuity and catalytic regiospecificity from Cistanche tubulosa

Xiao Liu, Yuyu Liu, Xiping Xu, Wenqian Huang, ... Pengfei Tu

Short Communication

Development of an active-site titrant for SARS-CoV-2 main protease as an indispensable tool for evaluating enzyme kinetics

Rabea Voget, Julian Breidenbach, Tobias Claff, Alexandra Hingst, ... Michael Gütschow

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