Bicheno Ambulance Station Update

Guy Barnett, Minister for Health, Mental Health and Wellbeing

The Tasmanian Government remains committed to building a new ambulance station in Bicheno to support our dedicated Paramedics and Volunteer Ambulance Officers to provide vital services to the community.

Following further consultation with the community last year, the Department has decided not to proceed with building the new station at the previously preferred site at 60A Burgess Street.

Minister for Health, Mental Health and Wellbeing, Guy Barnett, said the Government has listened to the local community.

"We have welcomed the community's feedback on the development of a new ambulance station in Bicheno, because we are committed to getting this right," Minister Barnett said.

"We have engaged extensively with the Bicheno community, Glamorgan Spring Bay Council, the Bicheno Community Development Association, other stakeholders from the local business community and health sector, and Ambulance Tasmania.

"The Department is now working to identify a new suitable site that balances Ambulance Tasmania's operational needs with the feedback we have heard from the community.

"Under our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future we remain totally committed to delivering the health outcomes Tasmanians deserve – just like a new ambulance station for this vibrant East Coast community.

"A key commitment of our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future is the largest ever recruitment blitz of paramedics in Tasmania's history – recruiting a total of 78 new full paramedics, some of which will service this fantastic new station and the Bicheno community upon completion."

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