Big Toys For Some Monster Fun In Broadwater Parklands

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Dig in for some monster fun in Southport this Sunday with the annual Monster Machinery Day.

More than 50 of the City of Gold Coast's big toys like tractors, diggers, and emergency vehicles will be on display for one the City's most popular free, family fun events.

"A collection of machines that dig, scoop, clean, or beep, will be in the Broadwater Parklands this Sunday for Monster Machinery Day," Division 6 Councillor Brooke Patterson said.

"This free family fun day gives a chance for children to get up close and personal with some of the City's big machinery which helps transform and maintain the Gold Coast.

"Demonstrations throughout the day also give kids and their adults the chance to see the big toys like tip trucks, tractors, and diggers in action.

"The monster machines will be spread out over a kilometre so to help little legs get around consider bringing a pram, scooter, or bike.

"When the excitement of the machines becomes too much, there's a super slide, rock climbing, and a giant sand pit to keep everyone entertained."

What: Monster Machinery Day

When: 9am to 3pm, Sunday 19 May 2024

Where: Broadwater Parklands from The Great Lawn to the Southern Lawn

How to get there: Walk, ride or scoot to the event, ride the G to the Broadwater Parklands, or hop on the HOPO ferry. If driving is a must, consider carpooling, and make sure you park legally.

There will also be a variety of food trucks on site.

Monster Machinery Day has been running for the past two decades and is produced by the City of Gold Coast and supported by Councillor Brooke Patterson and 102.9 Hot Tomato.

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