Brazil Rolls Out Aid for Southern Climate Catastrophe Victims

The aid aims to replace equipment and goods lost in the heavy rains, benefiting around 240,000 affected families. Measures include a special Ministry for the region's reconstruction, anticipation of social benefits, and actions in partnership with local governments. The country has reinforced the urgency for sources of financing for actions to combat the climate crisis at the G20.

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, during a visit to a shelter in São Leopoldo, a municipality in Rio Grande do Sul, talks to flood victims | Photo: Ricardo Stuckert / PR
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, during a visit to a shelter in São Leopoldo, a municipality in Rio Grande do Sul, talks to flood victims | Photo: Ricardo Stuckert / PR

People directly affected by the climate catastrophe in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul will receive an emergency payment of BRL 5,100 from the Brazilian government (approximately USD 992), to replace equipment and other goods lost due to the impacts of the heavy rains hit the state in recent weeks. President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva announced the aid package this Wednesday (15). Around 240,000 families will benefit from these measures.

"Do not lose faith. We are extending our solidarity and help from the Federal Government to Rio Grande do Sul. We continue working and taking care of people. We will spare no effort to help people rebuild their lives", summarized Lula.

Among the measures announced by Lula are the creation of the Extraordinary Ministry of Support for the Reconstruction of Rio Grande do Sul, which will be responsible for liaising with the state government and municipalities for state reconstruction actions; a strategy to assist families whose homes were destroyed in urban areas affected by floods; and the anticipation of social benefits such as withdrawals from the Service Time Guarantee Fund (FGTS); payment of the "Bolsa Família" program; Salary Allowance; Unemployment Insurance and Income Tax refund.

G20 against the climate emergency

At the G20, Brasil has made tackling the climate emergency a priority and has stimulated debates on financing for these measures, especially in developing countries, which are more vulnerable to humanitarian crises caused by the effects of extreme weather events.

The issues are debated centrally in the Task Force for Global Mobilization against Climate Change, which unites the Finance and Sherpa tracks, and the Sustainable Finance, Climate Sustainability, Disaster Risk, and transversal working groups in other GTs on the forum.

See also

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