Canada Boosts Four Businesses' Expansion Efforts

Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario

$5.3 million in FedDev Ontario investments helps four businesses launch and create new technologies, develop sustainable packaging as well as create nearly 50 skilled jobs

The Government of Canada is making targeted investments in key sectors, such as technology and manufacturing, to grow our economy. Investments that uncover opportunities for growth and bring new Canadian-made products and services to market, will create good jobs for long-term economic prosperity.

Today, Francis Drouin, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food and Member of Parliament for Glengarry-Prescott-Russell, visited PiiComm Inc., a Managed Mobility Services (MMS) tech company in eastern Ontario, to celebrate its over $1.7 million repayable FedDev Ontario investment, on behalf of the Honourable Filomena Tassi, Minister responsible for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario). While on-site, MP Drouin had the opportunity to meet with employees and see the new FedDev Ontario-funded Mobility Assessment Tool. With the funding, the company created over 20 skilled jobs in Plantagenet.

FedDev Ontario also invested over $3.5 million for Albéa Canada Inc., Edgecom Energy Inc. and Ferme Marseni Inc.

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