Canada Pumps $194K Into Northern Ontario's Agriculture

Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario - FedNor

FedNor funds will help the Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario enhance support for new farmers and farmers from equity deserving groups across Northern Ontario

Viviane Lapointe, Member of Parliament for Sudbury, today announced a FedNor investment of $194,055 in the Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario (EFAO) to enhance support for new and young farmers, with specific programming to support Indigenous farmers and growers, by providing training, networking and business development opportunities. The announcement was made on behalf of the Honourable Patty Hajdu, Minister of Indigenous Services and Minister responsible for FedNor.

Today's announcement will help EFAO and Northern Ontario's agricultural sector address demographic challenges by encouraging startup businesses, supporting expansion and productivity, and diversifying the sector. This investment will enable at least 24 new farm businesses in Northern Ontario through enhanced training supports, and provide training and networking to an additional 360 people.

Additional benefits include the collection of data on farm productivity metrics for ecological farmers, and supporting regional networking opportunities for Indigenous farmers, food growers, groups and collectives. The funding will also help EFAO provide human resources training and support for 30 farmers to help them hire their first staff and expand their personnel, in partnership with the National Farmers Union Ontario.

Strong economies need strong and growing local businesses. That is why the Government of Canada is proud to be investing in projects like this, which support innovation and technology adoption, while helping agriculture businesses scale up and create high-quality jobs in Northern Ontario.

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