Drugs, Cash And Firearm Seized In Maidstone

Westgate Divisional Response Unit Detectives have charged a man and seized a quantity of drugs and a firearm in Maidstone on Thursday.

As a result of an ongoing drug trafficking investigation, Investigators arrested a man in a vehicle at about 9.30am on 16 May.

A subsequent search of the vehicle and located a loaded firearm, an amount of cash and a commercial quantity of various drugs in his car.

After seizing the items, police executed a search warrant at an address in Maidstone.

Investigators located and seized further commercial quantities of methylamphetamine and a shotgun.

The 34-year-old man was charged with trafficking a large commercial quantity of drugs, possess drug of dependence and prohibited person possess a firearm.

He was remanded to appear before Melbourne Magistrates' Court on 17 May.

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