Durham Road Construction Update - For Week 20 May

Durham Road Construction Works Notice

As part of our commitment to improving the infrastructure in our community, we'd like to inform you of the work scheduled to take place for the week of May 20 to May 24.
Here's what to expect:

Monday 20th May – Concrete K&G works & driveways

Tuesday 21st May – Import base course

Wednesday 22nd May – Import base course

Thursday 23rd May – Temporary seal

Friday 24th May – Switch traffic & establish traffic control

These activities will affect access to residents' properties. The Contractor will be in direct communication with affected residents throughout this period. If you have concerns regarding driveway access, please reach out to Council and request to speak with the project manager.
Please note that these construction activities are extremely sensitive to weather conditions, especially wet weather, which may affect the contractor's ability to carry out certain tasks.
Looking ahead to the week of May 27 to May 31, the construction program has the contractor commencing milling to foundation and lowering services.
Thank you again for your cooperation and patience as continue to carry out these essential works.
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