Eskimo Joe Bring Their Acoustic Tour To Horsham

Internationally acclaimed Aussie rock band Eskimo Joe will perform at Horsham Town Hall this July, as part of its upcoming tour.

"The Acoustic Tour" will feature Eskimo Joe performing a wide range of hit songs, spanning all six albums of their storied, decades-long career.

The upcoming tour focuses on regional towns and cities across the country and the acoustic set is built around the intimate venues it will be performed in.

"We're songwriters at heart, and performance is part of what we do, but the thing with the acoustic performance is you get to let the songs breathe a bit," guitarist Stu MacLeod told Scenestr.­

"You get to interact with the crowd in a bit more of a personal way."

Supporting Eskimo Joe during this NAIDOC week event will be Aboriginal artist, Scott Darlow. Since entering the Australian music scene in 2003, the Yorta Yorta descendent has been a mainstay of Australia's Indigenous and independent music industry. The versatile singer-songwriter, guitarist, and didgeridoo player has sold more than 50,000 albums and has toured Australia, Asia and the United States.

"We are excited to be bringing Eskimo Joe and Scott Darlow to the Horsham Town Hall," said Kevin O'Brien, Horsham Rural City Council's Director Communities and Place.

"We are very excited to have artists of this calibre visit Horsham and our venue."

Tickets for the 9 July show can be purchased on the Town Hall website here.

Image credit: Nate Hill Photo and Eskimo Joe

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