Flood Update


Our Volunteers have responded to over 4500 requests for assistance so far for this event. Included in this is 157 flood rescues.

In Southern NSW, we are seeing prolonged flooding. Forbes East, Northwest, South and the CBD received Emergency Warnings to evacuate before 8pm Thursday 13th October.

Isolated flash flooding is likely to occur and with more rainfall, exacerbate the water systems. Around 500 people have been affected from the evacuation orders, which will continue to rise with the river systems.

A number of communities around Wagga Wagga are also still impacted by flooding.

Watch and Act warnings have been issued for areas around the Murrumbidgee, Lachlan and Murray Rivers.

In Western NSW the main areas affected by flooding are Narromine, Nyngan, Warren, Wee Waa, Gunnedah, Dubbo, Moree and Bathurst.

Of particular focus Warren, Gunnedah and Wee Waa may be isolated for some time. We are working with affected residents with resupply and medical evacuation as needed.

We ask that you stay up to date with the latest information by visiting:

The Bureau of Meteorology for NSW Warnings http://www.bom.gov.au/nsw/warnings/

NSW SES website for our latest Warning products https://www.ses.nsw.gov.au/

Live Traffic NSW for the latest road conditions https://www.livetraffic.com/

Lachlan River is still impacted by flooding

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