Further Charges For Man Charged Over Phone Access

A man charged over failing to provide detectives access to his phone has been arrested again and faces further charges.

The man was initially arrested on Friday 10 May for failing to provide access to his phone and after further investigation was charged with possessing child exploitation material.

Yesterday, Thursday 16 May, detectives from the Special Crimes Investigation Section arrested the 24-year-old southern suburbs man for child sex offences.

The latest arrest came after further analysis of his mobile phone which identified a child who disclosed sexual offending. As a result of these allegations the man charged with three counts of procuring a child to commit an indecent act.

The man was refused police bail and will appear in the Adelaide Magistrates Court on Monday 20 May.

Detective Chief Inspector Matthew Lyons, Officer in Charge, Special Crimes Investigation Section states, "Everything offenders do online leaves a digital footprint. Our investigators are highly trained to investigate these digital footprints and will work tirelessly to detect offending and protect the vulnerable. This investigation is ongoing. I urge anyone with information with may assist to contact police."

CO2400018273, CO2400017456

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