IFAD, Yokohama City Unite for Global Food Security Events

The UN's International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and Yokohama City, Japan, announced today in Rome their partnership to collaborate on two crucial upcoming global food security events: TICAD9, the 9th Tokyo International Conference on African Development, in 2025; and GREEN×EXPO 2027 (World Horticultural Exhibition Yokohama) in 2027. Both high-level events will be hosted by Yokohama City.

"IFAD is grateful for Yokohama City's generous support in hosting our Japan Liaison Office. Yokohama is not just a host city but a strategic partner for IFAD. And these high-level global events provide us with an opportunity to strengthen our collaboration to combat poverty and hunger in rural areas." said Alvaro Lario, President of IFAD, during a meeting held at IFAD headquarters in Rome with Takeharu Yamanaka, Mayor of Yokohama City.

"We met in Yokohama in November 2022 and it is an honor to be able to meet President Lario again. Since IFAD opened its Japan Liaison Office in 2021, IFAD has been working in areas such as the development of the next generation. On behalf of the citizens of Yokohama, I would like to express my gratitude to IFAD for deepening its cooperation with Yokohama. It has been decided that Yokohama will serve as a host city for international events: namely TICAD9 in 2025 and GREEN×EXPO in 2027. We look forward to further strengthening our relationship with IFAD through these initiatives." said Mayor Yamanaka.

President Lario and Mayor Yamanaka discussed the engagement of Yokohama-based private companies under Japan's funded initiative: Enhanced Linkages between the Private Sector and Small-scale Producers (ELPS), jointly launched by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries (MAFF) of Japan and IFAD in 2023.

The ELPS initiative aims to foster private sector interest and engagement in small-scale agriculture to further advance economic transformation in rural areas. Investing in local food systems not only boosts agricultural productivity but also increases the income of small-scale food producers, who contribute one-third of the world's food supply but are often living in poverty.

IFAD's President and Yokohama's Mayor also exchanged views on involving youth to address the common global issue of food security. Yokohama City University and the IFAD Japan Liaison Office maintain a robust partnership through internship programs and other initiatives.

Interviews request:

Journalists interested in having a one-on-one interview with Mariko Kato, IFAD Japan Liaison Office Representative, can contact the IFAD Japan Liaison Office ([email protected]). Mariko would be available to have interviews in both Japanese and English.

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