Improving Visitor Experience at Gros Morne

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

May 17, 2024 · Gros Morne, Newfoundland and Labrador · Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)

Stunning ocean vistas, vibrant communities, diverse cultures and amazing outdoor experiences; Gros Morne has it all.

The Government of Canada is helping tourism operators in the park and reinforcing its position as a global destination of choice for domestic and international travellers.

Federal investments boost regional tourism potential

Today, the Honourable Gudie Hutchings, Minister of Rural Economic Development and Minister responsible for ACOA, announced total federal investments of $1,629,144 for three tourism-related projects in Gros Morne.

The Gros Morne Co-operating Association Inc. received $1,216,865 through ACOA's Innovative Communities Fund (ICF) to implement the Seven Corners project in the Gros Morne National Park area. This initiative combines views and storytelling through a series of interactive installations and structures that encourage exploration and nature-based activities.

Cow Head Conservation and Heritage Inc., a charity dedicated to preserving local history, received $87,279 through the ICF to enhance and interpret the area's significant cultural heritage sites for the purpose of offering more authentic cultural experiences to visitors.

Norock Associates Ltd. (BonTours) received a $325,000 repayable contribution through ACOA's Business Development Program (BDP) to undertake a variety of improvements to its dock and ticket building at its boat tour operation in Bonne Bay. This will improve the efficiency of embarking and disembarking tourists from the vessels while also increasing the space and comfort for guests waiting for tours.

Today's announcement further demonstrates the Government of Canada's commitment to build on regional strengths and create new opportunities for businesses and communities to grow and thrive - now and into the future.

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