Investing In Better Future For South East Queensland

Dept of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications

The Albanese Government is delivering much-needed investment in the Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line, connecting the community to jobs, study, services and Queensland's famous tourism attractions.

We will invest a further $1.15 billion, taking the Commonwealth's investment to $2.75 billion, to ensure Stage 1 of this vital project can be delivered.

The Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line will extend the South East Queensland rail network from the North Coast Line at Beerwah to Caloundra.

The first stage will see a 19-kilometre dual track built from Beerwah to Caloundra, making it the longest spur line in the south-east passenger network.

It will also include the protection of the updated rail alignment from Birtinya and Maroochydore.

This project is all about providing faster, more reliable and environmentally sustainable connections between the Sunshine Coast, Moreton Bay and Brisbane.

Once complete, the Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line will save commuters up to 45 minutes, with journeys from the new Sunshine Coast stations to Roma Street station taking around 45 minutes less than driving in peak hour.

This Commonwealth funding builds on the $21.7 billion investment the Albanese Government has made in Queensland infrastructure.

The Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line will help ease congestion on South East Queensland roads while making public transport a quicker, safer and more viable choice for Queenslanders and visitors to the Sunshine State.

Where the previous Morrison Government had a deluge of press releases with a drought of delivery, we are ensuring that projects can be completed and the benefits from them flow to the people.

We are getting on with delivering a better future for all Australians, one made in Australia that builds economic opportunity and thriving communities.

We will have more to say at Budget time about further investments for Queensland.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King:

"We're investing $1.15 billion making sure the Sunshine Coast has the infrastructure it needs to connect it to opportunities in a faster, more reliable way.

"Once complete, the Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line will save commuters up to 45 minutes, with journeys from the new Sunshine Coast stations to Roma Street station taking around 45 minutes less than driving in peak hour."

"We're delivering the infrastructure - built by Australians - that improves safety, revitalises regions, and ensures Australia is well placed to compete in the new, net zero economy."

Quotes attributable to Assistant Minister for Regional Development and Senator for Queensland, Anthony Chisholm:

"More and more people are choosing to call the Sunshine Coast home, so we're investing in the infrastructure this area needs to keep up with the growing demand."

"Once completed, the Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line won't just benefit locals here and those in Brisbane, but also the millions of tourists who visit the Coast each year."

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