Lancaster Tops North West England University Rankings Again


Lancaster has retained its crown as the top university in North West England in the Complete University Guide 2025.

The University scored highly in a number of individual subjects including Social Work - ranked number one in the UK - while Architecture made its first appearance in the Guide going straight in at number seven.

Lancaster also maintained a high national position - ranking 11th out of 130 universities across the UK.

· Social Work - ranked number 1

· Communication and Media Studies - ranked number 2

· Biomedical Sciences - ranked number 3

· Linguistics - ranked number 3

· Drama, Dance and Cinematics - ranked number 4

· Italian - ranked number 4

· Creative Writing - ranked number 6

· Architecture - ranked number 7

· Art and Design - ranked number 7

· French - ranked number 7

· Marketing - ranked number 7

· German - ranked number 8

· Physics and Astronomy - ranked number 8

· English - ranked number 10

· Sports Science - ranked number 10

Professor Wendy Robinson, Lancaster University Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education, said: "It is fantastic to see Lancaster retain its position as the top-ranked university in the North West, and to also maintain a good position among the best institutions in the UK.

"From our cutting-edge research and wonderful teaching, to our vibrant campus and welcoming atmosphere, Lancaster is an excellent university which constantly seeks to enhance and enrich our overall student experience, with a holistic approach to their learning and personal growth."

The Complete University Guide league table is based on ten measures: entry standards, student satisfaction, research quality, research intensity, academic services spend, spending on student facilities, continuation, student-staff ratio, graduate prospects - outcomes, and graduate prospects - on track. It includes 130 institutions.

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