Liberals, O'Byrne, JLN Unite Against Transparency, 15 May 2024

Tas Labor

David O'Byrne and the JLN's support of the Liberals' efforts to reduce Question Time are extraordinary votes against transparency and openness.

Today's Question Time was the best this parliament has seen for years.

The government was made to answer questions, and for the most part they obliged.

But not long after, the Liberals reverted to type.

Realising that they would be made to answer questions for the remainder of this term, they asked themselves what they could do to change the rules.

A government being made to answer more questions, can only be a good thing for democracy - particularly when that government has developed a strong reputation for avoiding scrutiny.

Unfortunately for Tasmanians, Mr O'Byrne and the JLN think otherwise.

Shane Broad MP

Leader of Opposition Business

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