Local communities to benefit statewide

Nic Street, President, Local Government Association of Tasmania Minister for Local Government

Fifteen councils will share in $2.9 million of funding through Round 1 of the Rockliff Liberal Government's Open Spaces Grants Program.

Minister for Local Government, Nic Street, said enabling Tasmanians to be connected, active and healthy in their own local communities is something he passionately supports.

"Open spaces are really important to Tasmanian communities - these are places to exercise, gather, socialise and take part in community activities," Minister Street said.

"The Program was established with a $5 million investment by the Rockliff Liberal Government to support councils in their delivery of infrastructure that encourages local active living and less structured or informal recreation pursuits.

"We want to enhance opportunities for all Tasmanians to gain the health and wellbeing benefits of active living, including participation in sport and all forms of outdoor recreation – especially in their local communities.

"Councils across Tasmania provide much of the essential and well-utilised infrastructure that keeps our communities healthy, active, and connected and I am a proud supporter of their work to do so.

"The Program attracted strong interest, and in recognition of this and the quality of proposals received, $2.9 million worth of grants have been awarded in Round 1."

President of the Local Government Association of Tasmania, Mayor Mick Tucker, said that these grants provide councils with an opportunity to enrich the lives of their residents.

"Communities and councils in all regions of the State will benefit," Mr Tucker said.

"Leveraging council co-funding, Round 1 projects will deliver more than $5 million in total infrastructure investment to support healthy and active communities.

"This is a fantastic result for successful councils and their local communities.

"All councils, including those unsuccessful in Round 1, are encouraged to apply for Round 2 which will open in coming months, and will provide a further $2 million to councils."

Funded projects include:

  • Community sporting facilities, including basketball and tennis courts;
  • Playgrounds;
  • Public barbeques and toilets;
  • Walking and cycling paths;
  • Refurbishment to a community swimming pool; and
  • Skate parks.

Applications were assessed by a panel comprising representatives from LGAT, the Department of Premier and Cabinet and Department of Health.

This Program to support local councils complements a number of other Rockliff Liberal Government initiatives delivering on its long-term plan to do what matters for all Tasmanians, including the establishment of Active Tasmania and the development of a new Active 2030 Strategy, as well as the well supported Tasmanian Active Infrastructure Grants Program, and the Sport and Active Recreation Equipment Grants Program.

List of councils:

  • Brighton
  • Central Highlands
  • Clarence
  • Derwent Valley
  • Devonport
  • Dorset
  • Flinders
  • Glenorchy
  • Hobart
  • Kingborough
  • Launceston
  • Meander Valley
  • Northern Midlands
  • Sorell
  • Waratah-Wynyard
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