Mitchell Highway upgrade between Nyngan and Bourke now complete

Dept of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications

Motorists are now enjoying safer travel between Nyngan and Bourke following the completion of the $12 million safety upgrade to the Mitchell Highway.

This major project started in April 2021 and was carried out by Bogan and Bourke shire councils on behalf of Transport for NSW.

The work involved applying road safety treatments along several sections of highway, totalling almost 47 kilometres.

Previously, this section of highway had only a narrow sealed width, with multiple edge breaks and failures which can increase the risk of run-off road crashes. There was also little room for correction if vehicles left the road.

By installing one metre-wide sealed shoulders on both sides of road along the section of highway, we've significantly reduced that crash risk.

The upgrade was funded jointly by the Australian Government's Road Safety Program and the NSW Government as part of a commitment to implement safety upgrades and improvements on regional roads.

Other work included selective reshaping of the pavement on the existing alignment, as well as drainage improvements.

A final seal will be applied within 18 months, after which rumble strips on the edge line will be installed.

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