NSF Director Praises Agency's Top Rank in Federal Workplace Survey

I am pleased to announce that the U.S. National Science Foundation has again been recognized among the 2023 Best Places to Work in the Federal Government®. NSF ranked No. 8 among mid-sized agencies as featured in a special edition released today by The Washington Post. Diversity and inclusion are core values at NSF, and we continue to prioritize leveraging the diverse experiences and perspectives of our workforce. We have listened to feedback from our employees and taken action to address their needs with ongoing efforts. While rankings are a marker of progress, they serve as a starting point for us to enhance our workplace culture further. As we navigate evolving work dynamics, we are dedicated to fostering communication, collaboration, and transparency. These efforts are crucial in empowering our staff to continue driving forward our mission of advancing science and engineering for the benefit of society. Together, we will create an even brighter future for our staff and the work they do every day on behalf of the nation.

-Sethuraman Panchanathan, NSF Director

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