Police Charge Two Over East Coast Burglaries

Two people have been charged in relation to a series of recent burglaries on the East Coast.

Police will allege a van was stolen from Scamander on February 28, and driven to Launceston before the driver was located by police yesterday afternoon.

During a subsequent search of the vehicle, police located a number of items believed to have been stolen.

A 39-year-old Oakdowns man was arrested and charged with multiple offences including aggravated burglary, stealing, motor vehicle stealing, unlawful possession of property, resist police, evade police, and breach of bail.

He was detained to appear in the Launceston Magistrates Court today.

A 28-year-old Glenorchy woman was also arrested and charged with multiple offences including motor vehicle stealing, stealing, aggravate burglary, and being in possession of stolen property .

She was bailed to appear in the Hobart Magistrates Court on May 6.

Police are encouraging shack owners in the St Helens area to check their properties, and report any stolen items to police.

Information can be provided by contacting police on 131 444.

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