Police seek help to locate missing Metung teen Erica Clulow-Seckold

Police are appealing for public assistance to help locate missing 15-year-old Metung teenager, Erica Clulow-Seckold.

Erica was last seen on Friday 29 May in Lakes Entrance.

Police have concerns for her welfare due to her age.

Erica is 165cm tall with a thin build, dyed blonde hair and fair skin.

She is known to frequent the East Gippsland, Wodonga and Melbourne CBD areas.

Police have also released an image of Erica in the hope someone recognises her and can provide information regarding her current whereabouts.

Anyone with information about Erica is asked to contact Lakes Entrance Police Station on 5155 1206 or Bairnsdale on 5150 2600.

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