Raptor Squad Seizes Firearm, Drugs from Liverpool Home

Raptor Squad officers have charged a man after locating a firearm and drugs at a Liverpool home yesterday during a Firearm Prohibition Order compliance check.

About 7.20am (Thursday 16 May 2024), officers attached to State Crime Command's Raptor Squad executed a Firearm Prohibition Order compliance check at a home on Fifteenth Avenue, Middleton Grange.

During a search of the property, police located and seized cocaine and cannabis. As part of the search police also located a damaged window and a black box in the neighbouring property.

After obtaining a second search warrant for the neighbouring property, police located a Glock style firearm, ammunition and firearm magazines in the box.

A 31-year-old man was arrested at the first home and taken to Liverpool Police Station.

He was charged with acquire firearm subject to prohibition order, possess unauthorised pistol, not keep firearm safely pistol, possess ammunition without holding licence or permit or authority and three counts of possess prohibited drug.

The man was refused bail to appear before Liverpool Local Court today (Friday 17 May 2024).

Police will allege in court the man attempted to hide the firearm by throwing it out of the window into a neighbouring property before officers gained entry.

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