Rolling closures at Inskip Point

To contain the spread of gastroenteritis, rolling closures of camping areas at Inskip Point will continue as the Department of Environment and Science (DES) prioritises the health and welfare of campers.

MV Beagle and MV Natone camping areas will close from Friday December 3 until Friday 17 December 2021, and SS Dorrigo camping area will close from Friday 17 December until Friday 24 December.

Camper numbers will also be capped to existing bookings only in the remaining camping areas up until Friday 24 December 2021.

Sarawak and Sarawak West camping areas, which were closed on 19 November, are scheduled to reopen on Friday 3 December 2021.

Reducing camper numbers, temporarily closing camping areas is part of the ongoing strategy to prevent the spread of gastroenteritis.

An interdepartmental Taskforce consisting of representatives from DES, Queensland Health and Gympie Shire council meet daily to review the situation and mitigate the spread of gastroenteritis at the Inskip Peninsula Recreation Area.

Facilities at Inskip Point are being cleaned twice each day as per Queensland Health guidelines.

Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS) rangers continue to conduct daily patrols at Inskip Point camping areas to monitor the mitigation measures.

Rangers also provide advice about the need for good personal hygiene to help prevent the spread of gastroenteritis.

This includes thoroughly washing hands with soap and running water after using bathroom facilities and before preparing food.

People preparing to camp at Inskip Point are reminded to pack plenty of soap and fresh water in their camping kit.

QPWS apologises for any inconvenience, but the health and safety of people in our camping areas is our number one priority.

People who want to change their booking to another camping area at Inskip Point or modify their existing booking have until 12pm on Monday 29 November 2021. Bookings can also be cancelled, with a full refund.

It is important for campers to:

  • Maintain the highest standards of personal hygiene
  • Wash hands frequently with soap and water particularly after toilet visits and before preparing food or eating
  • Bring your own water supply, soap, and if possible, bring your own portable toilet
  • Ensure every camper has their own personal towel for hand drying
  • Maintain safe physical distancing
  • Make sure you always carry a face mask and wear it if you can't maintain social distancing measures.

See video and audio of Senior Ranger Col Lawton available from our Media Centre.

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