RSPCA NSW Seizes Nine Animals from South Western Sydney Property

Yesterday, Wednesday 1 May 2024, a team of RSPCA NSW Inspectors executed a search warrant at a property in South Western Sydney. A total of nine animals were seized, including seven dogs, one turtle and a cockatoo requiring veterinary treatment.

The dogs were suffering from a range of health issues including poor body condition, untreated dog fighting wounds and hip problems. One of the dogs had allegedly been tethered for up to two weeks, and another was found locked inside a crate.

All animals have been admitted into our care, where they are undergoing veterinary assessments and receiving treatment as needed. This is part of an ongoing cruelty investigation.

If you have animal welfare concerns, please call RSPCA NSW to investigate on 1300 CRUELTY (1300 278 358) or make a report online at:

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