Southern Cross Uni Showcases Research Insights at Primex

Southern Cross University

The region's premier agricultural expo, Primex, will celebrate its 40th edition next week and Southern Cross University is once again a major sponsor and participant.

Two panels on this year's program will showcase the University's expertise in regenerative agriculture, soil science and circular economies. Expo visitors will have a unique opportunity to meet scientists and get an insight into the latest thinking and research in these fields. Demonstrations of soil and environmental analysis technology and renewable energy projects will also be on show, together with information about the University's new veterinary programs.

For those interested in turning waste into profit, don't miss the chance to catch up with the University's ReCirculator team at Primex. ReCirculator is a federally funded project that works to connect local businesses with technology for better use of agricultural and other waste streams.

They have six major test projects underway, ranging from the extraction of nutrients from industrial wastewater to the transformation of plastic waste into construction aggregate or even filament for 3D-print housing components. A 3D-printed shelter made by local company Studio Kite using recycled plastic will be on display as part of the Southern Cross stand.

The University's stand at Primex will have course and application information about the suite of degrees offered at the Northern Rivers and other campuses such as engineering, science, regenerative agriculture, and the debut veterinary program.

The first degree in the program, a Bachelor of Veterinary Technology will be introduced at the Northern Rivers campus next year.

"There's a great deal of excitement in being able to offer our veterinary programs in the Northern Rivers. Our Veterinary Technology program will commence in 2025, with Veterinary Medicine due to begin in 2026. There's a critical shortage of veterinary professionals within the region, and nationally. We're thrilled to be developing Australia's latest veterinary education precinct," said Brett Smith, Veterinary Technology Program Coordinator.

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