Spirits Payments Delays Threaten Jobs, Tasmanian Labor Reveals

Tas Labor

Premier Jeremy Rockliff has been busted providing secret top-up payments of over $80 million to the Finnish shipbuilder responsible for the Spirit of Tasmania vessels, despite previously telling Parliament a "fixed-price contract" was in place.

The Premier has also been forced to admit the ships will be delayed even further. This will be devastating for our tourism operators who are already bracing for a very tough winter.

Respected, independent economist Saul Eslake has estimated that every year the new vessels are delayed there will be a cost to the Tasmanian economy of $350 million, and 6,000 jobs will not be created. The ships are already three years late.

Labor is also extremely concerned the Liberals appear to have tried to cover up the delays and additional payments. If Labor hadn't demanded answers today, would the government have told the Tasmanian people? Mr Ferguson's public statements on this matter certainly suggest he had no intention of being open and transparent with Tasmanians.

Failure to deliver their promises. Massive delays and cost blowouts. A lack of openness and integrity. It's a brand new Parliament, but it's the same old Liberals.

Dean Winter MP

Labor Leader

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