St-Onge Forms Advisory Committee for CBC/Radio-Canada's Future

Canadian Heritage

As the national public broadcaster, CBC/Radio-Canada occupies a unique place in Canada's cultural and information landscape, reflecting Canadian values and sharing our stories from coast to coast to coast. The Government of Canada is committed to ensuring that the public broadcaster is well positioned to continue delivering vital services for Canadians, now and in the future.

The Honourable Pascale St-Onge, Minister of Canadian Heritage, announced today the appointment of an Advisory Committee who will provide policy advice on how to strengthen and renew the public broadcaster so it can continue to fulfill its important social, cultural and democratic functions.

The committee is composed of seven experts and specialists who will contribute their knowledge and experience from a variety of fields:

  • Marie-Philippe Bouchard, CEO, TV5 Québec Canada
  • Jesse Wente, Chair of the Canada Council for the Arts, founding Executive Director of the Indigenous Screen Office
  • Jennifer McGuire, Managing Director, Pink Triangle Press
  • David Skok, CEO and Editor-in-Chief, The Logic (independent media startup)
  • Mike Ananny, Associate Professor of Communication and Journalism, University of Southern California Annenberg
  • Loc Dao, Executive Director of DigiBC
  • Catalina Briceno, Professor, Université du Québec à Montréal

This Advisory Committee will meet regularly with the Minister to discuss a range of questions dealing with funding, governance and mandate.

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