Taskforce Collaborates with Govt to Boost Animal Welfare

Jane Howlett, Minister for Primary Industries and Water

The Tasmanian Liberal Government has taken decisive action to improve animal welfare in the State's livestock processing facilities.

Releasing the Tasmanian Livestock Processing Taskforce's Interim Report today, Minister for Primary Industries and Water, Jane Howlett, said while the Parliamentary motion passed last year may have lapsed, the Government's commitment to improving animal welfare outcomes remained steadfast.

"Under our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future we have acted to boost animal welfare by legislating mandatory video surveillance in all Tasmanian livestock processing establishments by June of this year and providing funding of $3.2 million over four years for the RSPCA," Minister Howlett said.

"Biosecurity Tasmania has undertaken unannounced visits to all 20 of the State's abattoirs and knackeries, as well as routine inspections of all facilities.

"But an enduring animal welfare culture is more than just video monitoring and that's why the ongoing work of the Taskforce is so important.

"The Taskforce will continue to develop guidelines for all aspects of livestock processing, including design, operation and maintenance of facilities and equipment, as well as pre-slaughter care and handling.

"I am committed to getting this right for our producers, our important livestock industry and the jobs and family businesses the industry supports."

The Government Response and the Taskforce's Interim Report can be found here.

The final Taskforce Report and recommendations are expected to be presented to the Government in the coming months.

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