Trust In God's View From Coach's Box, Cameron Butler Tells 30th Toowoomba Mayoral Prayer Breakfast

Don't discard your confidence, as it brings a rich reward and keep faith in God's higher view from the 'coach's box', noted sports chaplain Cameron Butler told the 400-plus people attending this morning's (May 14) 30th Toowoomba Mayoral Prayer Breakfast at Rumours.

"Don't give up in times of adversity, as it is faith and trust in God's higher view of our lives that sees us through," Mr Butler said.

A life's involvement as a sports chaplain, firstly with AFL side the Melbourne Demons, which has been replicated across many other Australian sports and internationally, has given Mr Butler an insight into, "how to live a full and intentional life in a crazy world".

"There are three very Biblical principles that can be applied in everyday life and also on the sporting field," Mr Butler added.

"Trust in your teammates, believe in the game plan and have faith in times of adversity. We must trust and encourage one another and not become disengaged.

"If you notice people struggling, we need to show acts of kindness and look for opportunities to bless someone. It is also important to work for the team.

"In difficult times we need to keep faith and trust in ourselves and each other; not shrink back. God has the most amazing perspective, which we can lose at ground level.

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