Victoria Police Hunt for Missing Dementia Patient Barry

Police are currently searching and appeal for public assistance to locate missing man Barry.

The 83-year-old man was last seen leaving his home in Ogilvie Avenue, Echuca, about 2pm.

He is also believed to have been in Bamawn at the Northern Highway near Winfield Road about 4pm.

There are concerns for Barry's welfare as he has dementia is likely confused or unaware of his surroundings.

Barry is Caucasian, about 180cm tall with a bald head and no facial hair.

He was last seen wearing a Collingwood Magpies hat, a black fleece jumper and blue pants.

Police have released an image of Barry in the hope someone can provide information on his whereabouts.

Anyone who sights Barry or has information on his whereabouts is urged to contact Echuca Police Station on (03) 5483 1500

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