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NIH-Funded Plan Fails to Lower Opioid Death Rates
Federal Opioid Intervention Legacy: Communities Ready to Act
NIH-Funded Strategy Fails to Curb Opioid Overdose Deaths
Studying Changing Landscape Of Forest Management
NASA's RASC-AL Competition Selects 2024 Winners
Software Prevents 95% of Medication Errors in OR: Study
Tech Enables High-Res 3D Imaging of Entire Human Brain
Life-Potential in Watery Planets Orbiting Dead Stars
Synthetic Cell Alters Shape Under Chemical Directions
Marshall Star For June 12, 2024
Synthetic Cell Alters Shape, Follows Chemical Instructions
NASA's Chandra Probes Exoplanet Habitability
Symposium Unveils Scale, New Approaches to Mental Health Crisis
AI Strategy May Boost Use of Portable Robotic Exoskeletons
Geologic Record Unveils Ocean Oxygenation 2.3B Years Ago
Enhancing Under-Skin CAR-T Cell Therapies
Chad Mirkin Wins Kavli Nanoscience Prize
Educational Interventions Lower Child Mortality in Poor Nations
TRISH Unveils Health Data From First Civilian Space Mission
NASA Backs Research on Space Weather Systems Exploration
Mass General Launches Unique NeuroLaw Library to Advance Juvenile Justice
U of Toronto Ranks 2nd in NA, Top 25 Globally: QS Rankings
Swedish Council Awards International Postdoc Grant to Stiernborg
Research Unveils Target for Heart Attack Scar Reversal
UVA Explores Value of Failure in Scientific Research
Cutting Cable Boosts Checkpoint Immunotherapy Efficiency
Geotechnical Engineer Reveals Underwater Tunnel, Bridge Building Secrets
Biden Speaks on Democracy and Freedom
NASA's Chandra Reveals New Glimpse of Super Star Cluster
$4 Billion Fuels Unprecedented COVID-19 Response
School Fish Swim Easier in Rough Waters
Dana-Farber, MA Firefighters Team Up to Tackle Cancer Risks
AI Blood Test Offers Accurate Lung Cancer Identification
AI Blood Test Dependably Detects Lung Cancer
Artificial Lymph Node Treats Cancer in Mice
'Artificial Lymph Node' Used To Treat Cancer In Mice
Youth 20 Unveils Brazilian Delegates at G20
UMass Amherst Researchers Crack 2,000-Year-Old Shipworm Mystery
NASA Astronauts Launch First Crewed Starliner Test to Station
EPA Awards $500,000 Grant for Industrial Land Revitalization
Air Temperatures Surpass 1.5°C Warming Threshold Again
Research Unveils Ketamine's Molecular Impact on Brain
Novel Algorithm Enhances Personalized Parkinson's Treatment
Illinois Leads in Perinatal Mental Health Legislation: Study
HKUST Study: Beliefs Shaped More by Others' Words than Experience
Research: Telehealth Cuts Cancer Care's Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Astronomers Seek Alien Life Based on Earth's Blueprint