3 Winners Bag Oz Lotto Draw 1553 Div 2 Prize

The Oz Lotto Draw No. 1553, held on 21 November 2023, saw the Division One prize jackpot once again, indicating no winners at this top tier. This results in the prize being rolled over to the next draw, putting the top prize at $30 million.

Let's delve into the details of the draw and the prize distribution across the divisions:

Winning Numbers:

The winning numbers for the draw were 36, 41, 25, 12, 21, 8, and 14, with supplementary numbers 22, 23, and 19.

Prize Distribution:

  • Division One: No winners. The prize was jackpotted to Draw 1554.
  • Division Two: 3 winners, each receiving $105,211.50.
  • Division Three: 74 winners, each awarded $5,040.85.
  • Division Four: 735 winners, each securing $390.40.
  • Division Five: 4,187 winners, each getting $54.85.
  • Division Six: 109,193 winners, each with $26.00.
  • Division Seven: 293,366 winners, each receiving $15.55.

The total prize pool for this draw was a substantial $28,788,622.71, with the Division One prize pool alone amounting to $20,180,410.98.

DivDivision PrizeDivision Prize PoolWinners

Jackpotted to draw 15540





