Aggravated Burglary Suspect Arrested in Alice Springs

Northern Territory Police have arrested four male youths in relation to an aggravated burglary at a residence in Alice Springs on Saturday.

Around 9pm, the Joint Emergency Services Communication Centre (JESCC) received a report that a group of youths were allegedly attempting to unlawfully enter a residence on Willshire Street.

Police responded and apprehended four male offenders that had subsequently gained access to the property by breaking a window.

Three youths aged 13, 14, and 16 years-old will be dealt with under the provisions of the Youth Justice Act (2005).

The 15-year-old youth was arrested and has been charged with Aggravated burglary and Damage to Property.

Northern Territory Police continue to urge anyone who witnesses crime or anti-social behaviour to make contact on 131 444 or Triple Zero (000) in an emergency.

Anonymous tips can also be made through Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or via

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